Wednesday, December 1

JHEKS Malaysia

 Jom saksikan Live Bicara Naratif bersama YBrs. En. Kamal bin Pardi, Ketua Pengarah JHEKS membincangkan topik perbincangan Kesiapsiagaan Kesatuan Sekerja Dalam Memantapkan Ekonomi Dan Kebajikan Pekerja

Friday, October 8

Trade Union During COvid-19

 Paper finding from ILO

A Global Trend Analysis : on the Role of Trade Unions in Times of COVID-19

Function and response of trade union can be summary to 4:
  1. Social Dialogue
  2. Tripartite Dialogue
  3. Bipartite Dialogue
  4. Bilateral Interactions
According to ILO (2021):
"Workers as active players in social dialogue: 108 out of 133 countries, or 81 per cent, used social dialogue in response to the pandemic to achieve a consensus on targeted measures to protect workers and enterprises. At least one form of social
dialogue, either tripartite, bipartite or both, was used in 100 per cent of the Arab State countries, in 88 per cent of the Asian countries followed by 84 per cent of the countries in Europe and Central Asia, in 77 per cent of the African countries, and in 76 per cent of the countries in the Americas. 

Tripartite dialogue between governments, trade unions and employers’ organizations took place in 79 out of the 133 countries (59 per cent). When
trade unions participated in policy discussions, the most frequent subjects of negotiation were social protection and employment measures as well as
commitments towards collaborative industrial relations, and fiscal and occupational safety and health (OSH) measures."

Monday, August 2

Mogok RUM 1962

 Mogok pekerja-pekerja keretapi pada tahun 1962 dan menjadi suatu manifestasi kepada tindakan kolektif. 

Petikan tentang Kajian 


RUM sebenarnya amat teruja bila dua (2) individu mengambil "thesis" mengunakan sejarah "MOGOK RUM" yang terbesar dinegara ini, ianya satu penghormatan kepada organisasi RUM yang telah diangkat sebagai satu "thesis" yang berbentuk ilmiah, kajian yang dibuat banyak memberi pendedahan kepada kepimpinan RUM masa akan datang, untuk terus menyemarakkan perjuangan Kesatuan Sekerja bukan sahaja pada masa lalu, hari ini tapi masa akan datang.

Saya sendiri amat bersyukur berada dalam organisasi RUM kerana diberi peluang untuk memimpin RUM sejak 1998, satu cabaran yang besar dan menyeronokkan, pengalaman yang dilalui disamping terus memegang prinsip idola saya Sdr Donald Uren Presiden RUM yang pertama.

Cabaran yang dilalui sangat mencabar dari zaman Marak Unggul sehingga yang paling besar ialah 97 kepimpinan dan ahli RUM dibuang kerja atas tindakan Piket pada 9 Mei 2014, pembuangan pekerja atas sebab Piket dnegara ini yang saya anggap terbesar dalam sejarah negara.

Namun hakikatnya saya masih gagal untuk menandingi Sdr Donald Uren, kegagalan ini mungkin disebabkan faktor peredaran waktu yang membuat pekerja satu ketika dahulu lebih "Bersatu" berbanding sekarang, pekerja lebih rasa selesa atau mengambil mudah atau mungkin jenis yang tidak mengambil kesah, maka agak sukar untuk mengabungkan seluruh pekerja khususnya dalam mengambil tindakan "MOGOK", kalau mampu hanya sekadar tindakan "PIKET" yang boleh mengimpunkan 1000 - 1500 ahli.

Hakikat ini tidak boleh dinafikan "MOGOK" kini teramat sukar bukan sahaja dalam RUM tapi dalam negara ini, mungkin dikalangan pekerja dinegara ini tidak faham mengenai fungsi perjuangan pekerja dengan kurangnya pendedahan khususnya dari badan induk gabungan kesatuan sekerja dari sudut peranan memasarkan produk Kesatuan Sekerja itu sendiri, dari sudut RUM ada kalangan pekerja yang terpengaruh dengan dakyah-dakyah songsang yang dibawa oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan tanpa menilai, mengkaji, membuat perbandingan malah tidak melihat hasil yang telah dinikmati.

RUM sendiri tidak jemu menulis dalam laman Suara RUM ini untuk memberi kesedaran bukan dari sudut undang-undang tapi dari sudut fahaman kesatuan sekerja itu sendiri, pengertian perjuangan kesatuan sekerja agar ada kesedaran dari kalangan pekerja sentiasa peka persekitaran, malah pekerja perlu bangkit dan sedar bahawa hanya Kesatuan Sekerja yang mampu membela nasib pekerja, sekiranya kesedaran ini tiada, tanpa sedar mereka hanya boleh digolongkan sebagai HAMBA ZAMAN MODEN, memang tidak dinafikan bahawa peruntukan undang-undang mengawal pekerja menjadi HAMBA, namun hakikatnya undang-undang yang ada sekadar "BASIC", hakikat dari sudut lain kita sendiri tidak mampu berjuang untuk meningkatkan sara hidup kita yang lebih munasabah, dalilnya gaji minima yang diwartakan masih di bawah kos sara hidup.

Selagi kita tidak sedar, maka kita tidak mampu bersuara, kita tetap kalah, kita mudah diperkotak-katik, lihat apa kejayaan RUM yang dipelopori oleh Sdr Donald Uren Presiden RUM yang menganjurkan MOGOK terbesar dinegara ini, hasilnya perjuangan "GAJI BULAN" telah dinikmati oleh seluruh pekerja KTM malah diikuti oleh seluruh kakitangan awam ketika itu, RUM di bawah kepimpinan Sdr Donald Uren telah mengangkat perjuangan "GAJI BULAN" bukan sahaja untuk pekerja KTM tapi untuk pekerja dinegara ini.RUM sentiasa kekal hebat bukan setakat dulu, kini malah selama-lamanya tidak sekali mengamalkan "YELLOW UNION!", kita akan terus berjuang tanpa kenal erti jemu, biar pun apa sahaja cabaran, akan kita hadapi dengan mengangkat mertabat pekerja, terus berjuang demi Selamatkan Pekerja, Selamatlah KTMB.


Abdul Razak Md Hassan
Kenyataan Rasmi Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja KTMB.

Sunday, August 1

Logic of Trade Union Representation

 Reading a case study from 4 country 

According to the writer:

This book goes further, to argue there are two distinct logics of association on labour’s side, and as the title suggests – two logics of trade union representation.
  1. The one logic is that of workers coming together, acting to fight for their rights. 
  2. The other logic is that of trade unions and employers’associations, sometimes together with high-ranking officials of the state, negotiating labour market conditions. 
In both logics, membership is essential for the status, functioning and efficacy of the trade union. This is the unifying feature of both logics, singling out trade unions from other forms of association with similar objectives. 

Hence, the pivotal reference for understanding that the two logics of labour’s collective action is centred on membership. However, membership and its derivative traits – democracy, accountability, power and legitimacy – work in different ways.

Tuesday, July 27

Hartal Doktor Kontrak

 Situasi luar biasa disebabkan kepakaran dan kepentingan mereka sangat diperlukan namun status pekerjaan masih bertaraf kontrak. Perbandingan antara peranan dan status ini sesuatu yang bersifat selari, namun hakikatnya ia berlaku secara bertentangan. Beberapa penjelasan mungkin boleh dilakukan bagi memahami situasi ini dan seterusnya mencari jalan penyelesaian yang mungkin.

Bilakah isu ini bermula?
Apakah isu berkaitan PEKERJAAN KONTRAK?
Apakah Hartal?
Bagaimanakah penyelesaian?

Tanpa disedari, isu ini telah bermula sejak beberapa tahun lepas apabila berlaku ketidakserasian antara bilangan Doktor yang dihasilkan dengan PROSES PERJAWATAN. 

Keadaan bertambah rumit apabila situasi kesihatan awam setelah penyebaran wabak Covid-19. Dengan itu, desakan demi desakan telah dilakukan agar suatu pendekatan dilakukan bagi menyelesaikan isu kontrak ini ke jawatan tetap.

Bacaan Lanjut: Boikot Kerja

Namun begitu, persoalan berkaitan penggunaan perkataan HARTAL menimbulkan keraguan terhadap kesesuaian dan impaknya kepada yang mengambil bahagian. Tindakan hartal telah digunakan oleh rakyat Tanah Melayu pada tahun 1947 (20 Oktober) bagi menentang GAGASAN MALAYAN UNION

Friday, July 16

Revolutionary Industrial Unionism

 Back to the glory of union movement.

According to Allen Seager (2013):

"Revolutionary industrial unionism, or syndicalism, a broad international movement dedicated to organizing all workers into single, unified labour organizations designed to overthrow the capitalist system by means of industrial actions, including the general strike.


From this explanation, the collective action are significantly important to organized the industrial action.

Tuesday, July 13

Trade Union Growth and Decline in Asia

 development in 90s....sometime grow and then decline..

author explain some important aspect regarding the logic of action


We examine trends in union density and union influence in several Asian countries While we find considerable variation in union density across the countries in our sample, all of the labour movements in these countries experienced membership decline in the 1990s. Asian countries also varied on our union influence measure, although as a group, their scores were much lower than those of Western nations. 

We examine the pattern of union growth, decline, and influence in each country within the differing institutional context of unionism, using a "logics of action" framework. Based on our examination of how these institutional contexts are changing, and what we know about the strategies of unions, we are not hopeful regarding the near term prospects for reversing union decline 

Wednesday, June 30


 Content various data regarding trade union movement in Malaysia including research, statistics and various information.

We are trying to contribute with specialty about trade union in Sabah


Thursday, June 10

Trade unions in TRANSFORMATION

 Trade union adaptation to current changed. This collection of experience are from around the world, including Malaysia.

In the chapter of Malaysia, the focus on Domestic Workers and roles of MTUC with the title "Organizing Migrant Domestic Workers in Malaysia: Ways out of Precarity"

In the introduction of the paper, mentioned:
 Ulrike Putz (2018:109):
"By any measure, Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) in Malaysia have it pretty bad. Most of the women work backbreaking hours, seven days a week. Many are beaten regularly and locked up like pets when their employers leave the house.
If their bosses decide not to pay them, there is little they can do. Many are literally trapped. Because their employers can confiscate their passports and phones, there are few ways to tell anyone how bad things are, ask for advice, or flee. Despite this, an estimated 250,000 women from Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia and Nepal work in Malaysia as domestic help. Work being scarce at in their home countries, they come to Malaysia hoping for a decent salary. Instead, they often live and work in dire circumstances, with few protections offered by Malaysian authorities."

On that context, how MTUC play roles as a employee institutions with the collaboration with international movement.

Sunday, June 6

Sangathalaivan - Tindakan Kolektif

 Satu lagi cerita berkaitan kehidupan pekerja yang memfokuskan kepada pekerja-pekerja Tekstil dan pemaparan aspirasi pihak majikan dan peranan kesatuan sekerja dalam masyarakat.

Saksikan petikan

dan juga ulasan dari Pradeep Kumar: ‘Sangathalaivan’ movie review: This idealistic take on an ideology lacks verve.

Kisah begini merupakan satu contoh usaha dalam memperkukuh tindakan kolektif hingga perlu mengorbankan nyawa atas pelbagai faktor yang saling berkait rapat

Tuesday, June 1


- Kesan Mogok  

Mogok adalah aspek paling penting dalam konflik industri. Mogok ditakrifkan sebagai penghentian kerja sementara dalam usaha mengejar keluhan atau permintaan. Namun dalam praktiknya, sukar untuk memisahkan mogok dari bentuk ekspresi perselisihan industri yang lain kerana majikan mengunci pekerja dan pekerja sendiri melakukan tindakan mogok. Adalah lebih berguna untuk melihat kedua-dua fenomena itu sebagai sebahagian daripada situasi konflik, bukan sebaliknya. Jarang berlaku mogok atas satu masalah dengan sebab yang jelas boleh dikaitkan dengan beberapa masalah lain yang tidak langsung dapat dilihat oleh pemerhatian yang telah menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati kerana penyelesaian untuk mereka telah lama datang.

Sumber: Dim, EthelMary O, Muogbo, Uju Sussan and Akpunonu, Uju Evans. (2017). Effect of Strike/ Industrial Action on Organizational Conflict. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(6), ISSN: 2394-9333

Wednesday, May 26

 Tindakan kolektif by CMC-based 

Tindakan kolektif merujuk kepada kumpulan individu yang berkoordinasi dan bertindak bersama dalam untuk mencapai tujuan atau minat bersama (Olson, 1968). Oleh kerana pengaruh CMC yang meluas dalam kehidupan kita, tindakan kolektif semakin digambarkan sebagai gabungan dalam talian dan elemen luar talian (Bennett dan Segerberg, 2012; Earl et al., 2014; Earl dan Kimport, 2011; Van Laer dan Van Aelst, 2010).

Kami membezakan antara dua bentuk tindakan kolektif berdasarkan peranan CMC. Kami mendefinisikan ‘CMC-based’ sebagai tindakan kolektif yang berlaku dalam talian dan hanya wujud kerana CMC (mis. petisyen dalam talian, cyberactivism dan hacktivism). Sebaliknya, kita mentakrifkan ‘CMC-didukung’ sebagai tindakan kolektif tradisional (mis. demonstrasi jalanan, pekerjaan, pengumpulan dana) yang berlaku di luar talian dan menggunakan CMC sebagai saluran untuk mengatur dan berkomunikasi. Dalam tinjauan ini, kami mempertimbangkan kedua-dua bentuk tindakan kolektif.

Sumber: Anna Priante, Michel L Ehrenhard,  Tijs van den Broek and Ariana Need. (2017). Identity and collective action via computer-mediated communication: A review and agenda for future research. Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/1461444817744783 Vol. 20(7) 2647–2669


penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) baru oleh kesatuan sekerja, sedikit yang diketahui mengenai bagaimana ICT baru telah mengubah protes kesatuan sekerja. Dalam tempoh berjimat cermat, di mana kumpulan baru - termasuk kumpulan yang berkaitan dengan buruh - telah menunjukkan mobilisasi yang mengagumkan menggunakan media sosial, kami fokus pada pendekatan merentas desa, melihat kesan pemogokan dan tunjuk perasaan kesatuan sekerja di sektor awam. Penemuan kami menunjukkan bahawa ICT baru digunakan pada semua peringkat aksi mogok dan protes kesatuan secara umum, tetapi tidak membenarkan kami menegaskan bahawa kesatuan telah mengubah cara mereka bertindak secara mendasar.

Sumber: Rego, R., Sprenger, W., Kirov, V., Thomson, G., & Nunzio, D. D. (2016). The use of new ICTs in trade union protests – five European cases. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research22(3), 315–329.

Monday, May 24

Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Tindakan Kolektif dalam Konteks Aktivisme Digital


Media merupakan platform yang dapat mempenguhi tindakan kolektif dalam konteks aktiviti digital. Kemampuan jaringan yang meluas dengan keupayaan mempengaruhi dalam menyebarkan teori dan pandangan akan membawa kepada tindakan seseorang individu tersebut. Hasil kajian membuktikan terhadap 100 negara yang telah menjalankan aktiviti digital dengan membentuk jaringan dan kemampuan yang lebih besar ketika ingin melakukan sesuatu tindakan aktivisme secara digital. 

Aktivisme digital didasarkan pada aktiviti homogen yang dilakukan oleh sebilangan besar orang untuk mencapai tujuan bersama bersama. keadaan ini dapat dikonseptualisasikan sebagai tingkah laku kolektif yang bertujuan untuk membina rangkaian dan perkongsian idea. 

Rujukan: Manju K. Ahuja. Pankaj Patel. Ayoung Suh. 2018. The Influence of Social Media on Collective Action in the Context of Digital Activism: An Affordance Approach. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. URI:

Wednesday, April 28

 Trade Union 

Penetapan gaji  melalui 3 pihak yang terlibat (kerajaan, majikan dan pekerja) merupakan isu yang mampu  mempengaruhi pekerja untuk melancarkan tindakan kolektif  dan mendorong pekerja untuk berjuang. Namun pergerakan dilihat mempunyai cabaran yang besar daripada pihak pengurusan yang mengelakkan kesatuan menjalin kerjasama. 

Sumber:  Caraway, T., Ford, Michele, (2017). Institutions and collective action in divided labour movements: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(4), pp. 444- 464. Copyright © 2017 Copyright Clearance Centre, Inc. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications. DOI:


Tuesday, April 27

 Latar Belakang Tindakan perusahaan 

Apabila berlaku sesuatu pertikaian antara kesatuan sekerja dengan majikan gagal diselesaikan secara damai, pihak yang bertikai akan cuba mendesak menggunakan cara yang lebih agresif bagi menunjukkan rasa tidak puas hati mereka yang mana tindakan ini boleh dianggap sebagai tindakan perusahaan. 

Di Malaysia, mogok terawal dalam konteks tindakan perusahaan dilaporkan apabila Parti Komunis Malaya berjaya menyatukan pekerja-pekerja bukan mahir menubuh pergerakan bawah tanah (underground movement) serta mengadakan mogok beberapa kali dalam tahun 1930-an. Berikutan itu, pihak kerajaan memutuskan untuk memperkenalkan Trade Union Enactment pada tahun 1946 

Penggubalan undang-undang pada ketika itu adalah bertujuan mengekang penglibatan parti komunis dalam kesatuan sekerja, menghadkan saiz dan kuasa kesatuan sekerja dengan menghalang penubuhan kesatuan sekerja bagi pekerja am dan mengawal serta memantau pergerakan mereka dengan mewajibkan pendaftaran kesatuan sekerja. 

Sumber: Jabatan perhubungan Perusahaan Malaysia Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Monday, April 26

 Teknologi Digital

Teknologi digital berpotensi membawa pembaharuan daripada corak organisasi buruh tradisional teknologi dikatakan berpotensi merapatkan jurang digital dan penyertaan pekerja serta mampu menarik generasi muda sehingga akhirnya menjalankan interaksi aktif dan saling menguatkan diantara kesatuan dalam talian dan luar talian dalam rangkaian ahli kesatuan sekerja. 

Reference: Klaus Schoemann. 2018. Digital Technology to Support the Trade Union Movement.  Open Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 67-82.

Sunday, April 25

Trade Union - Academic Union

 Every sector of employment need a union for the various purposed and benefits. Event, in the academic world which include many kinds of working arrangement from the 'contract staff' and 'permanent staff'. According to Cain et al (2014:3):

    "By joining together collectively in a union, postdocs also gained a voice beyond the         campus. For example, UAW 5810 has enabled postdocs to increase our visibility and involvement in politics that influence science and society: this is particularly important at a time when the political climate is at times regressive and ‘anti-science’. For example at the end of 2013, when the Sequester loomed and science funding in the US was threatened, we started an initiative to roll back these cuts and improve overall science funding. Thirty nine congressional representatives from across the nation supported our initiative by signing onto a letter, circulated by Rep. George Miller and Rep. Jim McDermott, to the Congressional Leadership of both parties. Due to these and many other efforts, the deepest cuts in federal science funding have been averted, but we are continuing to push for research budget increases" 

Based on this, just finish read the reality happened in University of California which explained below:

How postdocs benefit from, building a union. Members of UAW 5810—the union for postdoctoral researchers at the University of California—describe how their union has led to improved terms and conditions for postdocs.

the journey of the union followed the same steps of trade union movement which begin with few people with the willingness to working collectively. By doing a planning and action to that plan...they finally reach to the step on perform "collective bargaining'.

Some interesting fact that, event Albert Einstein (the Noble-prize winning physicist) among founding member of AFT Local 552 at Princeton in 1938 had some message to us:

"I consider it important, indeed urgently necessary, for intellectual workers to get together, both to protect their own economic status and also, generally speaking, to secure their influence in the political field.”

“But intellectual workers should unite, not only in their own interest but also and no less importantly in the interest of society as a whole.”

“An organization of intellectual workers can have the greatest significance for society as a whole by influencing public opinion through publicity and education. Indeed, it is the proper task to defend academic freedom, without which a healthy development of democracy is impossible.”

Source :Albert Einstein on Collective Bargaining

by that, this paper provide the reader of how the postdoc student finally success to collectively involved in decision making in the US. For more stories, read the article below:

How postdocs benefit from, building a union write by Cain et al. eLife 2014;3:e05614. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.05614


Friday, April 23

 Konflik Organisasi.

Konflik berlaku disebabkan persaingan antara corak kepimpinan dan organisasi, jika konflik tidak diselesaikan dengan baik akan memberi kesan kepada produktiviti dan perkhidmatan sesebuah organisasi namun konflik dapat diselesaikan melalui pengikhtirafan awal, memberi perhatian dan melakukan perundingan diantara pihak yang berkonflik, sebagai langkah awal bagi mengatasi konflik sementara paksaan dan intimidasi hanya akan memberi kesan negatif kepada produktiviti organisasi.

Rujukan: Bernard Oladosu Omisore and Ashimi Rashidat Abiodun. (2014). Organizational Conflicts: Causes, Effects and Remedies. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences. Nov 2014, Vol. 3, No. 6 ISSN: 2226-3624

Thursday, April 22


Amerika Syarikat adalah salah satu negara maju yang mengalami penurunan paling kuat dalam penyatuan dan perundingan bersama dalam beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini. Institusi hubungan perindustrian tradisionalnya, yang didasarkan pada prevalensi hubungan kerja "standard", telah lama terhakis oleh undang-undang yang ketat dan penentangan majikan. Sementara itu, pekerjaan yang tidak menentu, keadaan sub-standard dan peminggiran telah menjadi ciri pasaran buruh yang meluas, yang membawa kepada kemunculan spontan alternatif, sering inisiatif berasaskan masyarakat untuk melindungi pekerja yang rentan menggunakan strategi yang sangat inovatif.


Reference: Fine, J. 2015. “Alternative labour protection movements in the United States: Reshaping industrial relations?” in International Labour Review 154 (1): 15–26.

Wednesday, April 21

 Trade union

Akhirnya, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahawa konflik adalah proses yang tidak dapat dielakkan dalam organisasi dan mesti dikendalikan, dan setiap orang mungkin terlibat dengan konflik di tempat kerja, mengikut keadaan jantina, umur, budaya, pekerjaan, dll. Oleh itu, menurut hasil dari kajian, pengurus disyorkan untuk mengurangkan konflik dengan penekanan pada sasaran utama di antara pelbagai peringkat berdasarkan tujuan yang sesuai.

Kaveh Hasani. Saeed S, B. Saman S, M. Tayebeh A. (2014). Identity of Organizational Conflict Framework: Evaluating Model Factors Based on Demographic characteristics in Iran. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Thursday, April 15

 Pembaharuan kuasa Kesatuan

Kekuatan menjadi teras perdebatan semasa mengenai masa depan kesatuan sekerja. Penulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai keupayaan kesatuan sekerja dalam membentuk perpaduan dengan menggunakan segala sumber daya yang ada dalam kesatuan sekerja seperti  manusia, teknologi, proses, dasar dan program. Sumber sahaja tidak mencukupi kesatuan harus menggunakannya. Selain itu, Kesatuan sekerja harus mempunyai daya saing yang tinggi dan mengalakkan tindakan kolektif agar rangkaian kekuatan kesatuan sekerja sentiasa mempunyai membaharuan kuasa dari semasa ke semasa. 


Wednesday, April 14

Persaingan dan mogok Kesatuan: "Muti-Unionism"

Penyelidikan perbandingan antarabangsa mendapati bahawa insiden mogok lebih tinggi di mana dua atau lebih kesatuan tawar-menawar dengan majikan (multi-unionism), seperti yang biasa berlaku di kebanyakan negara Eropah. Kesatuan Muti-unionism adalah kesatuan yang mendorong persaingan dengan menggunakan propaganda pemogokan untuk menarik anggota atau bersaing satu sama lain dengan proses tawar menawar tuntutan mereka.

Sumber : 

Akkerman, Agnes (2008) "Union Competition and Strikes: The Need for an Analysis at the SectorLevel," Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Vol. 61, No. 4, article 1.Available at:

Tuesday, April 13

Kesatuan Sekerja di Malaysia 

Makalah ini mengkaji pandangan pekerja dan majikan dari syarikat bersatu mengenai kesatuan sekerja di Semenanjung Malaysia. Sebilangan besar anggota bukan pekerja berpendapat bahawa majikan tidak menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap kesatuan pekerja di tempat kerja. Peranan individu dan bukannya aspirasi kolektif pekerja jelas ditekankan oleh majikan. Tahap tinggi penentangan majikan terhadap penyatuan jelas merupakan petunjuk peranannya dalam pengikisan perwakilan kolektif, yang menyebabkan pengurangan usaha pengorganisasian kesatuan. Persekitaran perniagaan global yang sangat kompetitif dan dinamik telah menjadi pemacu utama dalam sikap majikan terhadap kesatuan sekerja. Kesatuan sekerja perlu mengkaji semula strategi pengorganisasian mereka, serta prosedur dan proses dalaman mereka. Kesatuan sekerja harus melampaui peranan tradisional mereka dan terlibat dalam aktiviti yang strategik untuk komuniti dan majikan mereka.

Sumber: Reference: Che Rose, Raduan and Kumar, Naresh and Ramasamy, Nagiah (2011) Trade unions in Malaysia: Perspectives of employers & employees of unionized companies. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (3). pp. 384-395. ISSN 0019-5286

Monday, April 12

Perundingan kolektif di Malaysia 

Hak untuk perundingan
Kesatuan sekerja di negara-negara membangun pada secara umumnya diketahui agak lemah jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara jiran di Barat. Kesatuan sekerja yang kuat dan bebas sahaja yang dapat menggunakan hak tawar menawar secara efektif, Menurut Rabiu S. S dan Kamal H.H. (2016) amalan perundingan kolektif dinegara membangun dilihat terlalu lemah untuk proses tawar menawar dengan berkesan bersama pihak majikan. Oleh itu, Kesatuan sekerja di Malaysia masih berada pada tahap lemah terutama berkaitan dasar perundangan mengenai penubuhan, dan keanggotaan kesatuan sekerja. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan berlakunya kesan sosial yang tidak seimbang antara pekerja dan majikan kerana standart pekerjaan ditentukan oleh pihak majikan dan secara implikasi akan menimbulkan suasana kerja yang tidak efektif. 

Sumber: Rabiu S. S. dan Kamal H. H. (2016). The Right to Collective Bargaining in Malaysia in the Context of ILO Standarts. Asian Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 1:1-20p.

Friday, April 9

Suara kolektif pekerja dan Kualiti pekerjaan

Kualiti  pekerjaan akan lebih baik apabila mempunyai wakil di tempat kerja dan ini akan dijelaskan oleh persepsi yang lebih tinggi mengenai suara kolektif kesatuan untuk ditimbulkan oleh wakil di tempat kerja. Namun begitu, penglibatan wakil kesatuan yang lebih senior dilihat dapat mempengaruhi keputusan untuk membuat perubahan yang diperlukan. 

Sumber: Hoque, K. Earls, J. Conway. N and Bacon, N. (2017). Union Representation, collective voice and job quality: analysis of a Survey of union member in UK finance sector. Economic and Industrial Democracy: an international journal. 38(1), pp. 27-50

Wednesday, April 7

Cabaran dalam menghadapi kesatuan sekerja dalam masyarakat moden. 

Masyarakat moden mengangap kesatuan sekerja merupakan sesuatu gerakan yang agak ketinggalan zaman dan tidak relevan lebih-lebih lagi masyakakat hari ini menuntut pelbagai inovasi dan keusahawanan, tetapi tidak semua individu mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjurus kepada perubahan iaitu lebih kepada corak pekerjaan sendiri dan kesatuan sekerja masih diperlukan bagi membelah hak sesetengah pekerja. Oleh itu, bagi menyesuaikan pelbagai perubahan, pendekatan individualisme memainkan peranan yang penting dalam masyarakat moden hari ini. Dunia moden telah membentuk sikap "bersatu" di Facebook, dan media sosial yang lain, untuk berkongsi idea dan maklumat dengan sekumpulan individu yang tertentu dalam membentuk sikap "kekitaan" yang digambarkan merupakan sikap semula jadi manusia melalui teori Maslow yang dijelaskan oleh Abraham dalam 'hierarki keperluan'. Manusia perlu mempunyai sikap kekitaan dalam menjalin hubungan dan kesatuan. 


Tuesday, April 6

Workplace Learning

Tempat kerja merupakan medan perjuangan sosial, politik dan ekonomi yang dipertandingkan melalui penubuhan kesatuan sekerja  membolehkan pekerja mewakili minat dan pandangan mereka mengenai keadaan serta keperluan di tempat kerja dan keadaan ini dilihat agak bertentangan dengan kehendak pihak pengurusan. 

Sumber: Bratton, J. Helms-mills, J. Pyrc, H, T. and Sawachuk, P. (2003). Workplace Learning: A Critical Introduction. Toronto: Garamon Press. 

Learning: A Critical Introduction. Toronto: Garamond Press.

Monday, April 5

Trade union 

Fungsi klasik kesatuan sekerja dapat mengurangkan ketidakseimbangan struktur di pasaran buruh. Gabungan pekerja adalah kaedah untuk menentang desakan ekonomi untuk merampas kualiti hidup mereka dengan tujuan ingin mengaut keuntungan. Gabungan pekerja bukan sahaja dapat mencapai upah/ tawaran pekerjaan yang mencukupi, tetapi juga memastikan pekerja dapat terlibat dalam organisasi pekerjaan. 

Sumber: Dagmar Schiek. (2020). Collective Bargaining and unpaid care as a social security risk an EU Perpective. Volume 8, issue 1.

Kesatuan, Perundangan dan Digitalisasi

 Perkembangan pekerjaan dalam era digital ini telah memberi kesan kepada aspek perundangan buruh. Dengan itu, pihak kesatuan turut memberikan respon dan membentuk strategi sejajar dengan perubahan tersebut.

Rethinking labour law in the digitalisation era_2020

"The impact of digitalisation on labour rights has long been evident to trade unionists and workers’ representatives. They are indeed the closest to the workers and at the forefront of the struggles against the detrimental effects of digitalisation on labour rights." 

Saturday, April 3

KeSaTuan di Sektor Awam

 Mari mendengar Kesatuan kakitangan Am UTM

Kepentingan dan sumbangan kesatuan sekerja

Friday, April 2

 trade union

Kesatuan Sekerja- Pandemik Covid-19

Hadir dan bersama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Kesatuan Sekerja Sabah

Petikan dari Face Book JHEKS


Seminar ini dihadiri oleh 72 orang peserta dari 25 buah kesatuan sekerja dari seluruh negeri Sabah. Ketua Pengarah Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia, En. Kamal bin Pardi turut hadir untuk sesi perbincangan bersama kesatuan sekerja. Selain itu,seramai 4 orang penyelidik dari Universiti Malaysia Sabah(UMS) turut hadir di program ini. Manakala En.Mohd Zaki Zainon dari Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan Sabah turut dijemput bagi menyampaikan ceramah bertajuk'Hubungan Kesatuan & Majikan di bawah Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967

sumber: FB JHEKS

Sedikit berita bergambar

Sesi bersama Ketua Pengarah JHEKS Malaysia

Perwakilan dari 25 buah Kesatuan Sekerja

sempat bertanyakan berkaitan usaha untuk meningkatkan bilangan keahlian kesatuan sekerja dan JHEKS mensasarkan keahlian Sejuta orang menjelang tahun 2022.

Semoga kesatuan terus berfungsi demi kepentingan pembangunan negara

Tuesday, March 30

 Tanggungjawab kesatuan sekerja 

- Mewujudkan saluran perhubungan di antara majikan dan pekerja.

- Menjaga kebajikan dan faedah anggota-anggota 

- Mewakili anggota kesatuan sekerja dalam pertikaian perusahaan 

- Mengadakan aktiviti yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuian dan kemahiran anggota

- Menyimpan, mengemaskini dan mengelenggara daftar anggota

- Mengadakan mesyuarat jawatankuasa secara berkala mengikut peraturan-peraturan kesatuan sekerja

- Menguruskan kewangan dan menyelanggara akaun kesatuan sekerja mengikut undang-undang

- Memastikan kesatuan sekerja bergerak mengikut kehendak undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan yang berkaitan.

Saturday, March 20

Laporan SosioEkonomi Sabah 2019

 Mengandungi maklumat berkaitan bilangan penduduk, bilangan tenaga buruh dan bilangan pekerjaan

Sumber: IDS

Tenaga Buruh
Tenaga buruh di Sabah meningkat dengan purata pertumbuhan tahunan 3.5 peratus antara tahun 2010 hingga 2019. Sejumlah 2,025.7 ribu orang tenaga buruh direkodkan pada tahun 2019 berbanding 1,937.6 ribu orang pada tahun 2018. 

Dalam tempoh yang sama, bilangan penduduk bekerja turut meningkat kepada
1,908.6 ribu orang pada tahun 2019 daripada 1,825.5 ribu orang pada tahun 2018.

Thursday, March 11

Undang-undang pekerjaan : Sejarah Perburuhan Di Malaysia

 Kesatuan Sekerja di Sabah Port Sdn.Bhd

Berikut merupakan hasil pelajar Hubungan Industri semester 2- 2017/2018

Youtube Channel : click here

Monday, March 8

Identity of Organizational Conflict Framework:


The results of study showed that there is no significant difference between the causes of organizational conflict based on the gender. Also, there are significant differences among the causes of organizational conflict based on the variables of age, education and work experience.

Finally, we can conclude that conflict was an inevitable process in the organization and must manage, and each person may be involved with conflict in the workplace, according to conditions of gender, age, culture, occupation, etc. Therefore, according to the results of the study, managers recommended to decrease conflicts with emphasis on the main targets among the various levels based on incompatible goals.

Reference: click here

Friday, March 5

Digital Technology to Support the Trade Union Movement

 Trade union

New digital technologies have a potential to bypass traditional forms of labour organization. We summarize the academic and trade union literature on the potential of new digital technologies for trade unions. Building on the literature of the social construction of technology and democracy at work we present the concept of the technology-supported construction of the social sphere. A review of digital technologies allows us to identify the potential innovator role of trade unions and work councils in digital forms of employee participation. Digital technologies are an important way to attract younger generations of trade union members. For experienced members, bridging the digital divide becomes a vital issue, too. Finally, we highlight the active interplay and mutually reinforcing effect of online and offline communication in networking.

Reference: Klaus Schoemann. 2018. Digital Technology to Support the Trade Union Movement.  Open Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 67-82. 

full text

Thursday, March 4

Globalisation, collective action and counter‐coordination: The use of the new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement

 Communication Technology 

This article aims to explore the use of new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement. New information communication technologies are undoubtedly globalising, but these same technologies can also be used by labour to retrieve and re‐achieve a more equitable balance between labour and capital. The low transaction costs of the new information communication technology, and the universal reach of these same technologies, provide the labour movement with a critical new tool for organising and bargaining. Malaysia provides us with a useful example of this new context.

Reference: click here

Tuesday, March 2

Organizational Conflicts: Causes, Effects and Remedie

Collective Action 

This paper examines the causes, effects and remedies of organizational conflict. What are the things that lead to conflicts in organizations? The study found out that like other terms, conflict generates considerable ambivalence and leaves many scholars and administrators quite uncertain about (1) its meaning and relevance; and (2) how best to cope with it. Conflicts are inevitable in human life. It is also inevitable in organizations or even between nations. Conflict is an inseparable aspect of people’s as well as organizations’ life. The study also discovered that conflicts occur in organizations as a result of competition for supremacy, leadership style, scarcity of common resources, etc. If a conflict is not well and timely managed, it can lead to low productivity or service delivery. The study also discovered that conflict can sometimes produce positive result, if well managed. Thus, not all conflict situations are bad. Efforts should always be made to ensure that the causes of conflicts are addressed as soon as they are noticed. The paper concludes that early recognition and paying attention to the conflicting parties and negotiation between parties involved in the conflict should be adopted in resolving conflicts while force or intimidation should never be used to resolve conflicting parties. Force and intimidation can only be counter productive.

Reference: Bernard Oladosu Omisore and Ashimi Rashidat Abiodun. (2014). Organizational Conflicts: Causes, Effects and Remedies. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences. Nov 2014, Vol. 3, No. 6 ISSN: 2226-3624

Monday, March 1

Do Trade Unions Have a Future? The Case of Denmark



This article analyses union membership among members of the Danish Trade Union Congress (LO). In contrast to most studies about union futures, it takes a subjective membership perspective by drawing empirically on an original database established by the authors. First, we show that there exists a widespread commitment to the union parallel with a very strong connection to the firm. The values of members are highly individualized, favouring non-material needs and interests and strongly supporting the public welfare system.

Secondly, solidarity has changed; it has certainly not disappeared, but, in line with the trends of decentralization of the negotiation system, it has become more oriented towards the narrow relations in the workplace and at the local society level. The thesis of everyday solidarity seems to be confirmed.

The relatively strong membership commitment is offset by abundant criticism of the union leaders who, in the eyes of the members, are primarily running an apparatus more than they are providing activities in which the members can involve themselves and take part democratically.

The final judgement is that the unions in Denmark have a future if they articulate and negotiate the interests of their members. This future seems highly conditional upon sensitive listening on the part of the leaders. In creating a fundament for formulating policies, they must hear what members think and want and they must use democratic decision-making procedures congruent with the integrity of their members. Contingent on these measures, unions probably have a good opportunity to survive and develop in a post-industrial society dominated by rules and norms of 'service capitalism'.

Employee Institutions- Trade Union

 Read about this in book and journal during period 1990s. Found this explanations:

"Informal employee workgroups can operate without complex institutional arrangements and supports. However, if local employee groups link up across workplace and organise on a wider scale, then more formal organization or institutions are needed.

all industrialized societies develop formal institutions for the representations of employee at work, but the form that these take varies greatly. Most call themselves trade union but, as we shall see below, there is often no clear distinction between employee institutions labelled unions and those labelled staff or professional associations."

(Gospel & Palmer, 1983, British Industrial Relations. London: Routledge)- second edition 1993)

Friday, February 26

Institutions and collective action in divided labour movements: Evidence from Indonesia.



Under what conditions do trade unions in divided labour movements cooperate? Does cooperation in one domain increase the likelihood of cooperation in the other? Do institutions facilitate or discourage cooperation? We explore these questions through an examination of collective action across federation and confederation lines in post-Suharto Indonesia. Using a comparison of union cooperation in the policy and electoral domains, we demonstrate that tripartite wage-setting institutions have played a central role in facilitating collective action in the policy domain, encouraging unions to look beyond shop-level issues to policy issues identified by their respective national organizations as affecting workers. The relative absence of collective action across organizational divides in the electoral domain, meanwhile, can be explained by the institutional context, which creates higher barriers to unions working together.

Reference: Caraway, T., Ford, Michele, (2017). Institutions and collective action in divided labour movements: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(4), pp. 444- 464. Copyright © 2017 Copyright Clearance Centre, Inc. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications. DOI:

Thursday, February 25

The Future of Trade Unions in Australia


The Australian union movement has been in decline for several decades. The social and economic factors which have led to the decline are briefly examined. Unions have spent many years developing strategies based on improved organising and recruitment methods, and academics have devoted research to analysing and assessing these. However, this paper argues that this concentration is misplaced, and that the legal framework in which unions operate is the central determinant of their limited success in recent years. Finally, a minimum legal framework, based on collective bargaining, is proposed as an example of what type of changes unions should prioritise if they are to recover.

References: click here

Wednesday, February 24

Alternative labour protection movements in the United States: Reshaping industrial relations?

 Trade Union 

The United States is one of the developed countries that have experienced the steepest declines of unionization and collective bargaining in recent decades. Its traditional industrial relations institutions, premised on the prevalence of “standard” employment relationships, have long been eroded by restrictive legislation and employer opposition. Meanwhile, precarious employment, sub‐standard conditions and marginalization have become widespread features of the labour market, leading to the spontaneous emergence of alternative, often community‐based initiatives to protect vulnerable workers using highly innovative strategies. “Worker centres”, in particular, have been very active to that end, often teaming up with formal trade unions to pursue their objectives.

Reference: Fine, J. 2015. “Alternative labour protection movements in the United States: Reshaping industrial relations?” in International Labour Review 154 (1): 15–26.

click here

Tuesday, February 23

Testing Collective Action Theory


The goal of this book is to attempt to extend, expand and test empirically the implications of the Collective Action Research Program. This set of rational theories began with Mancur Olson (Olson 1965). It broke with the prevailing theory of pluralism, which posited that groups would form around the interests of citizens. Yet, empirical research showed that, instead of knitting,bird-watching, and classic auto clubs, 90% of the organizations comprised only labor and management. Clearly, pluralism was wrong. Olson put his creative thinking toward the process of mobilization. In other words, how would one recruitmembers of an interest group to lobby Congress? Olson thought through the problem systematically: first, it would be necessary to have a public good, that is, some goal that could not diminish with use and would be available to everyone in a region. Economists call these nonrival or noncompetitive goods. Examples of such objectives are clean air, defense, clean water, lower taxes, or more tax subsidies. Given that this is the case, a second conclusion is necessary: no particular person would have to participate to receive the public good. Thus, he reasoned, most people would not participate.And indeed, 95% of people do not participate (Lichbach 1995). These non-participants are called free-riders. They gain the benefit of a new public policy, but do nothing toward its implementation. This conclusion created yet another problem: how would one be able to recruit members to lobby? Given that success would benefit everyone in a class, the incentive to participate would necessarily be larger for active members. Olson (Olson 1965) called these selective incentives, special payments in favors, goods or money to active members that were unavailable to free-riders. Suddenly the empirical world of labor and management groups and the absence of bird-watching groups made sense: pluralism was wrong, but collective action theory worked. And this theory differed from its predecessors in a fundamental way: it assumed that people think. Structural models force people to act by conditions, but Olson focused on individuals.

Reference: click here

Monday, February 22

Introduction: Causes, consequences and cures of union decline


In 2000 the political leaders of the European Union declared that strong economic growth and advance towards a knowledge society, together with a high degree of social cohesion, would be the pre-eminent goals for the subsequent decade. 

A question never asked was what would happen, and what remedial action would be taken, should the conditions conducive to growth and the knowledge economy conflict with the political and institutional underpinnings of social cohesion. 

What if strong employment growth turned out to be founded on the destabilization of the standard employment contract, or if the advance towards a knowledge economy brought about a sharp rise in social inequality and polarization between skilled and unskilled workers and between those with and without stable jobs? 

Would trade unions be willing and able to counteract or attenuate such trends and bridge the differences between the new haves and have-nots? Or would they be marginalized, slowly but irreversibly, together with the stable employment relationships that characterized the mid-20th century?

Reference: click here

Saturday, February 20

The use of new ICTs in trade union protests – five European cases


Despite the interest in the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) by trade unions, little is known about how new ICTs have changed trade union protest. In a period of austerity, in which new groups – including labour-related ones – have shown impressive mobilization using social media, we focus on a cross-country approach, looking at the impact of trade union strikes and protest in the public sector. Our findings show that new ICTs are being used at all stages of strike action and union protests in general, but do not allow us to assert that unions have changed the way they act in a fundamental way

Reference: click here

Friday, February 19

Identity and collective action via computer-mediated communication: A review and agenda for future research

 Trade Union 

Since the start of large-scale waves of mobilisation in 2011, the importance of identity in the study of collective action via computer-mediated communication (CMC) has been a source of contention. Hence, our research sets out to systematically review and synthesise empirical findings on identity and collective action via CMC from 2012 to 2016. We found that the literature on the topic is broad and diverse, with contributions from multiple disciplines and theoretical and methodological approaches. Based on our findings, we provide directions for future research and propose the adoption of an integrative approach that combines the study of identity and networks to advance our understanding of collective action via CMC. This review contributes to the crossroad of social movement, collective action, communication and media studies. Our results also have practical implications for the organisation of collective action in a society characterised by the pervasive influence of CMC.

Reference:click here

Wednesday, February 17

The Influence of Social Media on Collective Action in the Context of Digital Activism: An Affordance Approach

 Trade Union

This study examines how social media influence collective action in the context of digital activism. This is achieved by using the concept of media affordance as a theoretical lens and applying it to the collective purposes of network building and synthesis, as suggested by mobilization theory. Employing latent class logit regression, we tested the proposed hypotheses based on data from 384 digital activism events in 100 countries, classifying success in digital activism as either partial or complete success. The results show that when the purpose of digital activism is network building, media with greater affordances for promoting environmental shaping were positively related to the success of digital activism. Conversely, when the purpose of digital activism is synthesis, media with greater affordances for promoting contagion were positively related to the success of digital activism

Reference: click here

This study examines how social media influence
collective action in the context of digital activism. This
is achieved by using the concept of media affordance
as a theoretical lens and applying it to the collective
purposes of network building and synthesis, as
suggested by mobilization theory. Employing latent
class logit regression, we tested the proposed
hypotheses based on data from 384 digital activism
events in 100 countries, classifying success in digital
activism as either partial or complete success. The
results show that when the purpose of digital activism
is network building, media with greater affordances for
promoting environmental shaping were positively
related to the success of digital activism. Conversely,
when the purpose of digital activism is synthesis, media
with greater affordances for promoting contagion were
positively related to the success of digital activism.
This study examines how social media influence
collective action in the context of digital activism. This
is achieved by using the concept of media affordance
as a theoretical lens and applying it to the collective
purposes of network building and synthesis, as
suggested by mobilization theory. Employing latent
class logit regression, we tested the proposed
hypotheses based on data from 384 digital activism
events in 100 countries, classifying success in digital
activism as either partial or complete success. The
results show that when the purpose of digital activism
is network building, media with greater affordances for
promoting environmental shaping were positively
related to the success of digital activism. Conversely,
when the purpose of digital activism is synthesis, media
with greater affordances for promoting contagion were
positively related to the success of digital activism
This study examines how social media influence
collective action in the context of digital activism. This
is achieved by using the concept of media affordance
as a theoretical lens and applying it to the collective
purposes of network building and synthesis, as
suggested by mobilization theory. Employing latent
class logit regression, we tested the proposed
hypotheses based on data from 384 digital activism
events in 100 countries, classifying success in digital
activism as either partial or complete success. The
results show that when the purpose of digital activism
is network building, media with greater affordances for
promoting environmental shaping were positively
related to the success of digital activism. Conversely,
when the purpose of digital activism is synthesis, media
with greater affordances for promoting contagion were
positively related to the success of digital activism