Monday, January 25

Trade unions and the new challenges: One step forward and two steps backward

Trade union in India is a product of peculiarities of colonial period. The features of union movement were strengthened after Independence. The state-led industrialization model defined the role and place of unions and collective institutions. The state at once protected and regulated union movement. The social compact worked for the advantage of all the three actors. The institution of political unionism aided the working of the model. This model faced challenges and new developments took place even before the introduction of economic reforms in a big manner. The LPG model introduced new dimensions and challenges to the union movement. It struck at the roots of collective institutions. Unions had to reorganize its house, redefine its strategies and roles to sustain its position first and grow if possible. It demanded radical measures. The union movement experimented with a number of measures. But they are not sufficient. There sponse is painfully inadequate. The unions carry the old baggage and are rusty at times. They surely require rethinking and reform. 

Reference: click here

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