Wednesday, February 3

My Union, My Voice.

 Trade Union

Yet these workers are often the most vulnerable, facing problems of low pay, poor access to decent training and apprenticeships, exploitative internships, and diffi culties in the housing market. Unions can help with all these issues.

Sometimes there is no union to join where young people are working. But many just don’t see the connection between the jobs they do, the problems they face, and the support a trade union can offer. So we must reach out to workers in sectors where union presence is limited; and where there is none we must demonstrate our relevance to young workers. That means showing a face of trade unionism to which young workers can relate.

Inspiring stories from young union reps. 

click here

1 comment:

  1. From
    Frances O’Grady
    TUC General Secretary

    "They are young workers who combine their
    trade union work with a variety of jobs in
    both the public and private sector: from
    fi refighting to musical theatre, manufacturing
    to call centre work.
    I hope the stories told in My Union, My
    Voice and the example set by the young
    workers it features can play a significant
    part in inspiring the next generation of union
    members and activists."
