Tuesday, October 20

Industrial Relations - Trade Union


Menurut kajian yang dijalankan Anne Ngoc Vo (2009) Sistem perhubungan perusahaan (IR) dalam sesebuah negara akan mempengaruhi struktur dan peranan dalam kesatuan sekerja. tambahnya lagi kegiatan kesatuan di Syarikat Multinasiobal  (MNC) dan Perusahaan Milik Negara (BUMN) akan mengalami perbezaan dari segi pengurusan, kepimpinan, dan bebanan di tempat kerja akibat daripada pelbagai kekangan akan menyebabkan kesatuan sekerja terbatas. oleh itu, dapat disimpulkan aktiviti kesatuan secara umumnya yang digariskan oleh Anne Ngoc Vo (2009) memerlukan sokongan daripada pihak pemerintahan dan pihak pengurusan organisasi dalam menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti kesatuan. 

Secara keseluruhan, Anne (2009) dalam kajiannya;

"This chapter provides an overview of the Industrial Relations (IR) system in the centrally planned economy and the contemporary economy. It outlines the structure and roles of trade unions, looking at their nature and position in relation to management at the grassroots level. It is concluded that there are little differences in union activities at Multinational Companies (MNCs) and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). In both forms of economic organizations, burdened by many constraints from within as well as from the outside, at the work place level, the trade unions are highly dependent on the management and play a supporting role rather than an adversarial role to management. The chapter analyzes the challenges they face in transforming their organization and accomplishing the tasks that government assigns them. It presents the constraints of trade unions’ activities, in terms of adopting a new structure, financial and time budgets, membership, and leadership. It also examines trade union's roles and activities in the investigated State-Owned Enterprises and MNCs across six main functions defined by the Vietnamese labor and trade union legislation—namely, providing education, organizing social activities, managing the labor force, checking on management, solving conflict and protecting labor rights, and the management-trade union relationship".


Anne Ngoc Vo. (2009). "The Transformation of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations in Vietnam". Industrial Relations. Chandos Asian Studies Series. Page 131-150

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