Friday, October 30

How Union Work

 How unions work 

It can be very difficult for a single worker to speak to management about a workplace problem (for example, forced overtime or late wages) and to resolve their difficulty individually – assuming they even have the confidence to raise the issue. Unions work on the principle that if all workers speak with the same voice, their concerns are more likely to be addressed. This involves union members in the same workplace getting together to talk about common problems, democratically taking collective decisions on workplace issues, and putting these views to the employer. 

Individual members usually elect someone to speak on their behalf – a shop ‘steward’ or ‘representative’ (rep) – and to discuss their concerns with management. Where the union has a recognition agreement with management (this is where the employer has agreed to negotiate with the union to set staff terms and conditions), they will have regular formal discussions. These negotiations are referred to as ‘collective bargaining’. Unions are financed through the individual contributions of their members. Unions continually seek to recruit members (encouraging new members to join by ‘organising’) and to build an active membership, as this gives unions stronger bargaining power in negotiations with employers.

Full Book : click here

Wednesday, October 28

Mogok ('On strike',1957)

 Mogok yang dilakukan pada zaman 1957 berpunca daripada amalan pihak pengurusan yang dilihat melakukan diskriminasi, pembuangan pekerja dan layanan yang tidak baik daripada pihak pengurusan.. 

Perjuangan kelas pekerja dalam usaha menuntut hak mereka yang tertindas.

Saksikan Filem ini;

"Hak pekerja harus ditentukan oleh pekerja sendiri"

Nonton sini

siaran alternatif: FB

Tuesday, October 27

Right to take collective action

The tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies

Kenyataan yang dijelaskan melalui : European Observatory of Working life (dalam talian)

The right to take collective action is a fundamental workers’ right. This right involves the recognition of the right to take collective action in cases where there is a conflict of interests, including strike action. Like the right to information and consultation, the right to collective action arises from the promotion and practice of social dialogue.

Dalam penulisan ini turut mengetengahkan isu berkenaan pekerja atau majikan yang tidak mempunyai organisasi dalam menjalankan hak untuk menjalankan tindakan kolektif. 

those entitled to take collective action include workers or their organisations, and employers or their organisations. The word ‘or’ appears to indicate an alternative, not an exclusion. According to some national constitutions and case law, the right to strike is an individual subjective right, which can be performed only collectively by an association, group or organisation. It is not clear what impact this formulation will have on national contexts where, for instance, only trade unions are entitled to exercise the right to collective industrial action. The consequence would be that workers and employers who are not members of these organisations, or who are members of organisations not recognised by the jurisdiction as trade unions, have no legal right to take collective action.

Sumber : tekan sini

Monday, October 26

 Power and its role in political policy 

"In stating and describing power, different authors have defined it as different from. In one definition, power in one social relationship, position is assigned that individual could approbate their look to others. In other definition, they know power, ability to influence on possibilities and resources toward to goals that are opposite on other goals. Based on this definition, when power is achieved that goals are in conflict is some part and one could operate his own goal and leave all other goals. In one of definitions, power is ability, which make able person (A) to dominate on person (B). It can considered that power is ability to provide changes in other’s behavior. Although it be noted that power concept is related to authority concept, but they aren’t the same, thus power has general aspect and authority is type of lawful power. Thus power is a type of a relationship, which are formed between individuals and cause changes. From channel point of view, Applying power is meant dominance on decisions, give direction to decisions and finally influence on channel positions".

Full article; click here

Tuesday, October 20

Industrial Relations - Trade Union


Menurut kajian yang dijalankan Anne Ngoc Vo (2009) Sistem perhubungan perusahaan (IR) dalam sesebuah negara akan mempengaruhi struktur dan peranan dalam kesatuan sekerja. tambahnya lagi kegiatan kesatuan di Syarikat Multinasiobal  (MNC) dan Perusahaan Milik Negara (BUMN) akan mengalami perbezaan dari segi pengurusan, kepimpinan, dan bebanan di tempat kerja akibat daripada pelbagai kekangan akan menyebabkan kesatuan sekerja terbatas. oleh itu, dapat disimpulkan aktiviti kesatuan secara umumnya yang digariskan oleh Anne Ngoc Vo (2009) memerlukan sokongan daripada pihak pemerintahan dan pihak pengurusan organisasi dalam menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti kesatuan. 

Secara keseluruhan, Anne (2009) dalam kajiannya;

"This chapter provides an overview of the Industrial Relations (IR) system in the centrally planned economy and the contemporary economy. It outlines the structure and roles of trade unions, looking at their nature and position in relation to management at the grassroots level. It is concluded that there are little differences in union activities at Multinational Companies (MNCs) and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). In both forms of economic organizations, burdened by many constraints from within as well as from the outside, at the work place level, the trade unions are highly dependent on the management and play a supporting role rather than an adversarial role to management. The chapter analyzes the challenges they face in transforming their organization and accomplishing the tasks that government assigns them. It presents the constraints of trade unions’ activities, in terms of adopting a new structure, financial and time budgets, membership, and leadership. It also examines trade union's roles and activities in the investigated State-Owned Enterprises and MNCs across six main functions defined by the Vietnamese labor and trade union legislation—namely, providing education, organizing social activities, managing the labor force, checking on management, solving conflict and protecting labor rights, and the management-trade union relationship".


Anne Ngoc Vo. (2009). "The Transformation of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations in Vietnam". Industrial Relations. Chandos Asian Studies Series. Page 131-150

Monday, October 19

Sustaining or abandoning ‘social peace’?

 Kajian Vandaele, (2010)

Menurut Vandaele, (2010) menjeaskan seperti berikut; 

Tindakan kolektif masih menjadi topik utama kajian yang mempunyai tiga sebab utama. Pertama, mogok mempunyai dua ramalan utama yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi dan politik yang menganggu aliran pendapatan majikan dan hal “serangan politik” dikatakan dapat mencabar dasar kerajaan. Kedua, tindakan mogok dan tindakan kolektif yang lain menyebabkan berlakunya pertembungan asas perhubungan yang akan menjalinkan hubungan yang tidak sihat. Ketiga, corak tindakan kolektif dan pengurusan organisasi tidak memberi nilai dalam pergerakan buruh dan perjuangan kelas (Vandaele, 2010). Keadaan ini sekaligus, membawa kepada perbincangan berkenaan dengan pergerakan pekerja yang dikatakan agak aman yang mengalami 'labour Quiescence'. 

Sumber:artikel penuh

Saturday, October 17

Perjuangan buruh - Kelas sosial

 The Communist manifesto and its manifesto - and its relevance for today 

Selesai membaca penulisan ini, kita akan dapat mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut mengenai sejarah pergerakan buruh yang berlaku di Francis dan German dalam memperjuangkan hak buruh. 

Teori perjuangan kelas pekerja oleh Marx dan Engels, (1848)

Berikut merupakan ungkapan yang dikeluarkan oleh Marx and Engels;

“The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an interrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended in a revolutionary reconstruction of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes”.


“Sejarah masyarakat yang ada sekarang adalah sejarah perjuangan kelas yang dahulu. Freeman dan hamba, tuan dan hamba, ketua dan pengembara, pihak penindas dan tertindas, berdiri tegak terhadap penentangan antara satu sama lain yang berterusan, pertarungan yang setiap kali berakhir dengan pembinaan semula revolusi masyarkat secara umumnya, atau kehancuran terhadap perjuangan kelas yang bersaing”

sumber : tekan sini

Labour process and the division of labour

 Memahami konsep ini akan membantu  dalam menilai berkaitan kemungkinan peranan kesatuan sekerja

Labour process and the division of labour, a reading1 

Bruno TINEL Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 


This article proposes an analysis of the labour process and the division of labour in capitalist production through a reading of Marx and a few others like Babbage and Braverman. The distinction between labour and labour power is used to expose the specificity of the labour process. Cooperation constitutes the fundamental form of capitalist production, which entails a double-sided command (coordination to produce use-values and despotism to extract surplus-value). Formal subordination, i.e. the threat of layoff, is historically and logically the primitive moment of labour’s subordination to capital. The effect of the division of labour on productivity is only temporary. It principally deprives workers of their professional skills, increases real control by management, reduces labour power’s value and prepares its replacement by machinery. There is an incessant struggle between labour and management over the control of the labour process and over skills. 

Bacaan Lanjut KLIK SINI

Thursday, October 15


White-collar Workers, History of

M. Prinz, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001

according this article; 

white colour workers are considerably less well organized than manual workers with the one exception of the public sector. 

1) Organizational Behavior

Depending on the structure of the trade union movement within the respective countries, white-collar workers tend to organize exclusively or are integrated into general unions (Behringer 1985, Bain and Pollins 1965, Bain 1972; Jenkins and Sherman 1979). In most cases union membership among white- and blue-collar workers overlaps at least to a certain degree. The main area in which both groups differ is trade union membership in general. White-collar workers are considerably less well organized than manual workers with the one exception of the public sector. Hence, their growing weight among the workforce represents one of the most important factors in the crisis of the trade union movement in developed countries in general. 

full article

Wednesday, October 14

Trade Union = Unionism

 A.L. Booth (2001)- Trade union and Economic Behaviour Of ScienceDirect (Online) 

Based on this article: We can learn that trade union as a "bargaining power".

trade union is an organized association of workers formed for the protection and promotion of their common interests. The standard view of unions is that they are monopoly organizations that improve the welfare of members, principally by raising wages above the competitive level. For a union to be able to increase wage rates above the competitive level, there must be some surplus that can be shared between the firm and the union, and the union must have some bargaining power to induce the firm to share this surplus. This article investigates the conditions under which a union can increase wages, and explores ways of modeling the competing preferences of unions and management. The article also notes the arguments suggesting that, in the presence of imperfect information and uncertainty, unions may enhance efficiency. To the extent that unions reduce labor turnover and negotiating costs, they may increase the available surplus to be shared between parties.


full text

Tuesday, October 13

Collective Action By Mansur Olson


Collective action and the origins of the American Labor Movement

Explained of Collective Action by Mansur Olson:

In the model by Mansur Olson, workers wish to form a union, which, if successful, will provide them with both public and private benefits. Employers, on the other hand, wish to prevent their workers from unionizing. The model allows for a monetary fixed cost of collective action, typical of fees and dues paid by workers or employers to obtain a union charter or join an employers’ association. Under these assumptions, the model predicts that intermediate-sized worker and employer groups will be more likely to take collective action. However, if the benefit of collective action is purely private (rather than having both public and private characteristics), then small groups will be more likely to take collective action. If the benefit is purely public then large groups will be more likely to take collective action.

Reference : klik here

Monday, October 12

MTUC - memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga hak dan keperluan pekerja. penubuhan MTUC yang mewakili kesatuan merupakan salah satu kesatuan yang dipercayai dalam menjaga hak pekerja dalam menjalankan pelbagai fungsi dan mengerakkan kesatuan sekerja di Malaysia secara umumnya. 

Sebagai contohnya, usulan yang dilakukan MTUC dalam mencadangkan kenaikan gaji pekerja sebanyak RM 2,700 bagi mengalakkan lagi guna tenaga pekerja tempatan untuk bekerja dalam negara berbanding harus berhijrah ke negara lain. Kenyataan ini, merupakan kenyataan yang akan mendatangkan manfaat kepada pekerja secara keseluruhan dan digelar sebagai "public good". Hal ini kerana, manfaat melalui cadangan ini tidak hanya kepada pekerja yang menyertai kesatuan sekerja malah lebih kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang akan menerima manfaat ini. 

kenyataan Media 

SHAH ALAM - Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) mencadangkan kadar gaji bulanan pekerja tempatan di bandar-bandar besar ditetapkan sebanyak RM2,700 sebulan.

"Ribuan rakyat tempatan bekerja dalam sektor pekerjaan 3D (kotor, sukar dan berbahaya) di luar negara, antaranya di Singapura, Australia dan Korea Selatan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Artikel Penuh :

© 2018 Hakcipta Terpelihara Kumpulan Karangkraf

sumber : tekan sini

Friday, October 9

Collective Action in United State

 Collective Action is key to keeping strong

- United States

Based on the statement in institute for policy of studies; 

collective action is one of the way to improve the conditions in their workplace in US

“If we all are together and we’re all unified and we’re all in solidarity on these issues we can make tremendous impact on the lives of ourselves, of our future generation and as a nation,” said Simmons. “It wasn’t just about a $2,000 increase on our salary, it was about saving our state.”

 “This is a very prosperous time for everybody but, it seems, the workers and collective action is the only way to level the playing field,” Wade Howard said. “If you really want to make sure  that everybody’s taken care of, you have to unite, you have to be together, you have to work        towards the same goals.”

Thursday, October 8

lets not forget unions and collective action

Melalui penulisan ini, terdapat beberapa contoh kes atau isu yang telah diusulkan melalui tindakan kolektif telah memperoleh perhatian sehingga menyebabkan perjuangan pekerja tidak sia-sia dan mula diberikan perhatian 

berikut merupakan contoh kes dan beberapa kesatuan pekerja yang terlibat dengan tindakan kolektif ; 

"Perhaps the recent resurgence of labor activity—the Marriott hotel workers represented by UNITE HERE winning pay increases and protections against sexual harassment through their recent strikes; the airline industry unions collectively speaking out against the safety risks caused by the recent government shutdown; a group of Somali workers forcing Amazon to the bargaining table to address issues in Minnesota; and the inspiring strike by Los Angeles teachers to win improvements in the schools—can inject greater awareness about existing rights into the public conscience, as well as emphasizing their importance to basic dignity and fairness in the workplace" 

sumber: click here

Wednesday, October 7

Problem of Collective Action

Masalah yang dihadapi kesatuan semasa mengadakan tindakan kolektif. Melalui artikel ini yang menjelaskan terdapat 2 masalah utama yang di hadapi kesatuan sekerja UK iaitu masalah kewangan dan dan pengurusan. 

    This paper looks at the financial resources of trades unions in the UK, both updating previous work and     attempting to understand the management of first and second order collective action problems. First            order problems refer to the problems of initiating collective action and second order problems refer to        the management of collective action organisations. Unions are 'cost disease' organisations in which            expenditure outstrips inflation but revenue may not. Their economic model cannot survive without             some form of external subsidy. Both aggregate and case study data – from the largest UK union, Unite –     are presented to illustrate the cost disease problem and to suggest options for its management.

Sumber: artikel penuh

Tuesday, October 6

Pergerakan kesatuan sekerja di Malaysia

Perubahan pucuk kepimpinan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mampu mengubah corak perburuhan. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan melalui perubahan pemimpin (Perdana Menteri) di Malaysia telah membawa pelbagai perubahan ideologi dan perubahan undang-undang negara khususnya berkaitan dengan kesatuan sekerja di Malaysia. 

                                    DASAR PERBURUHAN DAN IMPAKNYA TERHADAP


                       Mahadirin Ahmad, Kee.Y.Sabariah Kee Mohd Yussof, Noor Syakirah Zakaria

Perkembangan pergerakan buruh dan senario hubungan industri di Malaysia telah bermula sejak tahun 1920-an lagi yang turut dipengaruhi oleh dasar pentadbiran British di Tanah Melayu. Sejak detik itu, kesatuan sekerja terus berkembang di Tanah Melayu dan mengalami proses perubahan kesan tindakan kawalan dan pelbagai sekatan termasuklah pengenalan Undang-undang Darurat pada Tahun 1948.Dasar kawalan dan sekatan tersebut terus diamalkan sehingga negara mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957. Berdasarkan tinjauan terhadap sorotan literatur, terdapat perubahan-perubahan tertentu mengenai dasar perburuhan mengikut kepimpinan tertinggi negara iaitu Perdana Menteri yang turut mempengaruhi sistem hubungan industri di Malaysia. Sejak kemerdekaan dicapai, pemimpin atau Perdana Menteri Pertama di Malaysia iaitu Tunku Abdul Rahman telah mencorakkan sistem hubungan industri yang berubah dari sistem voluntary kepada corak compulsory arbitration melalui penguatkuasaan Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan, 1967. Manakala perubahan telah berlaku pada zaman pemerintahan Perdana Menteri kedua, iaitu Tun Abdul Razak yang telah memperkenalkan sistem akomodatif antara kesatuan sekerja dan majikan. Perubahan seterusnya berlaku pada tahun 1976 apabila Tun Hussien Onn telah menggubal dasar perburuhan yang lebih ketat ke atas pergerakan kesatuan sekerja. Perubahan terus berlaku melalui kepimpinan baru pada tahun 1981 di bawah pentadbiran Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad yang telah memperkenalkan pelbagai dasar bagi menyokong proses perindustrian negara. Antaranya ialah Dasar Pandang ke Timur yang telah menggalakkan kewujudan kesatuan sekerja dalaman. Selain itu, penggunaan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) turut diperluaskan bagi mengawal pemimpin kesatuan yang cenderung bersifat konfliktual. Perubahan seterusnya berlaku pada era pentadbiran Tun Abdullah yang memperkenalkan corak pentadbiran Islamik melalui amalan Islam Hadari sejak tahun 2003. Peringkat seterusnya adalah di bawah pentadbiran Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak yang memperkenalkan program transformasi negara dan konsep 1 Malaysia sejak tahun 2009. Peringkat terkahir ialah pada era Malaysia Baharu di bawah Pentadbiran Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad setelah kemenangan Pakatan Harapan dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 pada tahun 2018. Berdasarkan senario tersebut, kertas kerja ini akan menjelaskan perubahan dasar kerajaan serta tahap penerimaan pergerakan kesatuan sekerja sepanjang era pemerintahan keenam-enam Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Akhirnya, analisis perubahan tersebut akan dibincangkan berkaitan implikasinya terhadap kelangsungan kesatuan sekerja yang turut mempengaruhi corak hubungan industri di Malaysia.

Sumber : Ahmad, M.,  Kee Mohd Yussof, K.Y.S., Zakaria, N.S., (2019) Dasar Perburuhan dan Impaknya Terhadap Kesatuan Sekerja di Malaysia: Satu Kajian Awal. Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies (JOBSTS), Vol. 5. No. 1, 2019 ISSN 2462-2095 Universiti Malaysia Sabah 

Monday, October 5

Pekerja Mogok = Kenaikan gaji


Tindakan kolektif merupakan tindakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh kesatuan sekerja sekiranya mengalami jalan buntu ataupun keingkaran pihak majikan terhadap perundingan bersama (CA).
IPOH- Hampir 50 orang pekerja mewakili Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Perusahaan Simen (CIEU) mengadakan mogok di hadapan kilang berkenaan apabila Perbincangan Bersama (CA) menemui jalan buntu.
“Akibat rasa tidak puas hati, kesatuan telah membuat mogok, malahan aduan juga telah dibuat kepada pihak JPP untuk mengadakan mesyuarat perdamaian di mana dua mesyuarat telah dibuat yang mana dipengerusikan oleh Pengarah JPP sendiri

sumber : klik sini

Friday, October 2

Collective Action and Leadership

 Trade union need a leader specially to enhanced the collectivity of the members.

Few questions:

  1. What is leadership?
  2. How to explain the implication of leadership towards trade union?

After read the paper written by Alexander (2010), we can concluded about  the different style of leadership will create different type of collective action based on the situation or the environment for the movement.

Please read this article:

Leadership and collective action in the Egyptian trade unions

Anne Alexander 
School of Oriental and African Studies, 
University of London


This article explores leadership and collective action in the Egyptian workers’ movement since the 1940s, with a focus on the competition between different models of leadership. It argues that leadership is a dialogical process, and distinguishes between two models of leadership – bureaucratic and democratic – which sit at opposite ends of a spectrum of reciprocity between ‘leaders’ and ‘led’. Although such developments are as yet embryonic, the emergence of a democratic model of union leadership, rooted in the particular forms of collective action adopted by Egyptian workers during the post-2006 strike wave, presents the most significant challenge to the dominance of the bureaucratic model since the creation of the current union federation in the 1950s.

Source: Work, employment and society Copyright © The Author(s) 2010, Reprints and permissions: BSA Publications Ltd® Volume 24(2): 241–259 [DOI: 10.1177/0950017010362144

click here


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Join us and get involved at your local or as a supporter looking to learn and take action on issues of importance to working families. 

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