Tuesday, September 19


Ditubuhkan pada tahun 2000, Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Hotel, Resort dan Restoran Sabah (Sabah Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Employee Union) sehingga kini telah menandatangani beberapa Perjanjian Kolektif.

Ikuti kisah pengenalan mereka

Semoga lebih ramai pekerja hotel, resort dan restoran menyertai kesatuan . Maklumat lanjut sila berhubung dengan SHRREU di alamat berikut:

Sabah Hotel, Resort & Restaurant Employee`s Union 

19, Tingkat 3, Blok C, Lintas Square,

Peti Surat 15192

88869 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

alamat FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/people/SHRREU/100067397282452/

Monday, September 18


 Increasing number of strike which the action by trade union which really represent the concept of collective action.

Situation in USA

Situation in UK

Back to 100 years ago 1926... which economy crisis was in the peak until 1930s.