Paper finding from ILO
A Global Trend Analysis : on the Role of Trade Unions in Times of COVID-19
Function and response of trade union can be summary to 4:
- Social Dialogue
- Tripartite Dialogue
- Bipartite Dialogue
- Bilateral Interactions
According to ILO (2021):
"Workers as active players in social dialogue: 108 out of 133 countries, or 81 per cent, used social dialogue in response to the pandemic to achieve a consensus on targeted measures to protect workers and enterprises. At least one form of social
dialogue, either tripartite, bipartite or both, was used in 100 per cent of the Arab State countries, in 88 per cent of the Asian countries followed by 84 per cent of the countries in Europe and Central Asia, in 77 per cent of the African countries, and in 76 per cent of the countries in the Americas.
Tripartite dialogue between governments, trade unions and employers’ organizations took place in 79 out of the 133 countries (59 per cent). When
trade unions participated in policy discussions, the most frequent subjects of negotiation were social protection and employment measures as well as
commitments towards collaborative industrial relations, and fiscal and occupational safety and health
(OSH) measures."